(800) 220–5691 info@synergyelectricalsales.com

Sales Contacts

Need answers?

Our Inside Sales team is responsive, attentive, and able to answer any questions you may have. Whether you need product recommendations or have questions about pricing, our team is here to help. Use the links below to get you to the right place.


New specified project quote requests or updates to existing specified projects:

Lighting Quotes Team - lightingquotes@ses95.com

Include job name, location, due date, counts, and drawings

Non-specified, design/build, and QUICK QUOTES:

Kaley Maingi - kaleym@ses95.com

All requests relating to controls:

Lighting Controls Team - controls@ses95.com (email or CC)

Include job name, location, due date, counts and drawings

All Signify requests:

Breanna Nuskey (Philly metro) - breannan@ses95.com

Suzanne Rodriguez (NYC metro) - suzanner@ses95.com

New order processing:

Julia Basile - juliab@ses95.com

Include quote number and/or pricing source

Questions on existing orders:

Julia Basile - jbasile@ses95.com

Include vendor and PO number


Quote requests pertaining to Lutron or lighting controls:

Controls Team - controls@ses95.com

Inquiries pertaining to lighting:

Lighting Quotes Team - lightingquotes@ses95.com

Customer Service Requests, pricing and availability, ESD, packing slips and invoices:

All other requests will be reviewed within 24 hours.


American Conduit

Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com

Champion Fiberglass

Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com


Sean Edmondson - seane@ses95.com

Encore Wire

Sean Edmondson - seane@ses95.com

E-Z Weld Conduit | By ALVA

Sean Edmondson - seane@ses95.com


Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com

IDEAL Electrical

Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com


Rob Kummeth - robk@ses95.com

Light Efficient Design

Rob Kummeth - robk@ses95.com


Rob Kummeth - robk@ses95.com


Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com

MP Husky

Chris Glogowski - chrisg@ses95.com

Nucor Tubular Products

Gina Moretti-Dicicco - ginam@ses95.com

Orbit Electric

Rob Kummeth - robk@ses95.com


Sean Edmondson - seane@ses95.com

Sola HD

Charles Melaragni - charlesm@ses95.com

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